# ansible managed - DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY !!! # official documentation - https://openvpn.net/community-resources/reference-manual-for-openvpn-2-4/ user {{ openvpn_user }} group {{ openvpn_group }} server {{ openvpn_ip_range }} {{ openvpn_ip_netmask }} port {{ openvpn_port }} proto {{ openvpn_proto }} dev {{ openvpn_dev }} keepalive {{ openvpn_keepalive_ping }} {{ openvpn_keepalive_timeout }} ca /etc/openvpn/{{ ansible_hostname }}/keys/ca.crt cert /etc/openvpn/{{ ansible_hostname }}/keys/{{ ansible_hostname }}.crt key /etc/openvpn/{{ ansible_hostname }}/keys/{{ ansible_hostname }}.key dh /etc/openvpn/{{ ansible_hostname }}/keys/dh.pem {% if openvpn_tls_auth is defined and openvpn_tls_auth == "true" %} tls-auth /etc/openvpn/{{ ansible_hostname }}/keys/ta.key 0 {% endif %} cipher {{ openvpn_cipher }} auth {{ openvpn_auth }} tls-cipher {{ openvpn_tls_cipher }} compress {{ openvpn_compress }} push "compress {{ openvpn_compress }}" max-clients {{ openvpn_maxclients }} ifconfig-pool-persist /etc/openvpn/{{ ansible_hostname }}/ipp.txt {% if openvpn_push_route is defined %} {% for route in openvpn_push_route %} push "route {{ route.ip }} {{ route.netmask }}" {% endfor %} {% endif %} persist-key persist-tun verb {{ openvpn_log_verbosity }} status {{ openvpn_log_status }} log-append {{ openvpn_log_append }} mute {{ openvpn_mute }} {% if openvpn_proto is defined and openvpn_proto == "udp" %} explicit-exit-notify 5 {% endif %} {% if openvpn_client_to_client is defined and openvpn_client_to_client is sameas true %} client-to-client {% endif %}